Practice with the Law Of Attraction
1. It is often said that every long journey begins with the first small steps. And today is exactly your first step. That step is to believe in the miracle of creation, to believe in the most powerful law of the Universe. "I always live in the Law of Attraction" Did you know that you have lived & applied the Law of Attraction throughout your life, there is not a single moment you did not live in it. You use it for both what you want and what you don't want. Every person, every event, every case comes to you every day through the Law of Attraction. "A man is but the product of his thoughts what he thinks, he becomes." ~ MOHANDAS KARAMCHAND GANDHI (1869-1948) 2. Limited words to avoid You can limit yourself to stories that you create yourself. Here are some simple examples of stories that you create yourself, and they'll get you limited: "I'm not good at math. I can never dance. I am not a good wr...