
It Worked for Jim Carrey

If you want to achieve more wealth, just write yourself a check and post-date it. The law of attraction is a very real thing. The truth is that everything in our universe is about vibrations. I know that most things look solid, but the truth is that all things are made from atoms and all atoms are constantly vibrating. So, your thoughts in your brain are vibrations, too, and those vibrations go out into the universe. We all know this instinctively when we say that some give off “great vibes.” Perhaps some may struggle to completely understand this. But remember, just because you can’t hear a dog whistle doesn’t mean it doesn’t make a sound. Your vibrations are real and can have a real impact on your life. If you want to raise your results you need to raise your vibration. One way to raise your vibration is to write yourself a check and post-date it. It worked for Jim Carrey. His post-dated check for $10 million dollars became a reality.  Here are the steps to raise your

Healthy Living: 5 ways to improve mental health

As 2020 gets underway, many of us are taking time to reflect on our lives...and the things in it that cause us to be stressed, anxious and even depressed. But you can take scientifically validated steps to improve your mental health, and because mind and body are entwined, these behaviors will also improve your overall health. First, practice optimism. Looking on the bright side of life really is good for you. According to a study by Boston University of Medicine, optimists have a 35% less chance of dying from heart attack or stroke. They are more likely to eat a healthy diet and exercise regularly, have stronger immune systems and even live longer. The study found people with the most positive outlook had the greatest odds of living to be 85 or beyond. Start volunteering. Studies by the National Institutes of Health show that putting the well-being of others before our own, and not expecting anything in return, stimulates the reward centers of the br

Think positive

When things aren’t going your way, it’s easy to shut yourself off from the world and assume everything will get worse. Practicing positive thinking can remove the invisible rain cloud and let in the sunshine. An encouraging report from John Hopkins Medicine says that people with a family history of heart disease who also had a positive outlook were one-third less likely to have a heart attack within five to 25 years than those with a negative outlook. If you feel like your attempts at overcoming depression or anxiety are falling short, it’s crucial to visit a doctor. They can determine the complexity of the issue and strategize a solution or refer you to an expert who excels in mental health. Here are some ways a positive outlook can improve your life. Improved relationships Once you begin working on changing your perspective to include positive thinking, you should analyze the types of people you associate with. Of course, your improved attitude will attract those with a

Top 10 Fears that Hold People Back in Life

Acknowledging your fears and facing them head-on is key to reaching your goals. Whether your fears involve your relationship, career, death, or discomfort, staying inside your comfort zone will ensure you live a small life. In fact, as a therapist, I see a lot of people work so hard to prevent themselves from ever feeling anxious that they actually develop depression. Their efforts to keep themselves comfortable inadvertently backfire. They live boring, safe lives that are void of the risk and excitement they need to feel fully alive. Here are the top 10 fears that hold people back in life: 1. Change We live in an ever-changing world, and change happens more rapidly than ever before. Despite this fact, however, there are many people who fear change, so they resist it. This can cause you to miss out on many promising opportunities that come your way. You run the risk of being stagnant and staying stuck in a rut when you avoid change. 2. Loneliness The fear o

A raise may not motivate you

A lot of your research focuses on motivation, including at the workplace. What advice do you have for job seekers? We are now switching jobs more than ever. In surveys, more than half of full-time employees in the United States say they’re interested in a job change. Everybody’s looking around. There’s much more turnover. But why are people unhappy where they are and want to move?  Usually people are unhappy because they aren’t intrinsically motivated. Yes, they want to increase their salary, and climb the ladder, but those turn out to be secondary motivations, in particular among the educated population. If I feel good when I get up in the morning, enjoy my colleagues, and think my job is a good place, these are all intrinsic motivators. They predict I’ll stay at the job.  We asked MBA students to reflect on their future jobs and consider how much they would care about doing something that’s interesting, with people that they like, and for a feeling that they are

25 Ways You're Borrowing Self from Others

Learning to rely on your own thinking can help you manage anxiety. Relationship systems are small economies. Look closely at your family, or your workplace, and you’ll see that there is a good amount of borrowing, lending, and trading of what  Dr. Murray Bowen called "self." When people close to us are in distress, we lend our abilities, our calmness, and our  confidence . And when we are  anxious , we borrow them from others. This system of borrowing and lending can be very effective at stabilizing relationships. But the constant, automatic borrowing of self takes its toll. I often marvel at how much “self” a person loses when they get married. When I lived alone, taking out the trash was a manageable chore. Now that my husband handles this task, it feels like a Herculean effort when he’s traveling. I can navigate well when I’m driving alone, but put him in the passenger seat, and I might ask his opinion on the route. What is it about adding another person

Practice with the Law Of Attraction

1.  It is often said that every long journey begins with the first small steps. And today is exactly your first step. That step is to believe in the miracle of creation, to believe in the most powerful law of the Universe. "I always live in the Law of Attraction" Did you know that you have lived & applied the Law of Attraction throughout your life, there is not a single moment you did not live in it. You use it for both what you want and what you don't want. Every person, every event, every case comes to you every day through the Law of Attraction. "A man is but the product of his thoughts what he thinks, he becomes." ~ MOHANDAS KARAMCHAND GANDHI (1869-1948) 2. Limited words to avoid You can limit yourself to stories that you create yourself. Here are some simple examples of stories that you create yourself, and they'll get you limited: "I'm not good at math. I can never dance. I am not a good wr